I am not making a new resolution, I think it is a waste of my valuable time!!! I have also discovered that one thing I have not given up for this year of 2012 is my procrastination!! My decision is to try and improve.
Getting ready for ACTS in Halifax on February 4 - 6th. You think that you are ready but you never are. Today I am going to check my inventory and see what I still need for samples, that will be a good stat.
Have a little cooking to do, it's pot luck for BEDA (Bonaventure English Harbour Development Association) Board members tonight, old man winter had better co-operate.
I have been working on a few new hat designs, how many times can you invent the same hat, after all it is a hat to cover the head and keep it warm with a bit of style and fashion sense, don't you think? Here is a pic of my granddaughter wearing one of the new designs.
Well it's on with my day. Have a good one and for those knitters out there, happy knitting.